How To Remove Mold From Your Home's Cedar Siding Without Damaging It

If your home's cedar siding has developed a problem with mold growth, then you will be pleased to learn this issue can be easily resolved just by using a few basic tools. However, it is very important that you take certain steps to keep from damaging the wood siding as you are removing the surface mold. To this end, here is the proper procedure to remove the mold from your home's cedar siding without damaging its wood or your home's paint job:

Step 1: Gather the Supplies and Tools Necessary to Remove the Mold 

To remove the mold from your home's cedar siding, you need each of the following tools and supplies:

  • a garden hose or pressure washer
  • a bucket
  • a container of oxygenated bleach
  • a natural bristle scrub brush

In addition to the above list, you also might want to use a natural bristle broom as your scrub brush if your siding has a lot of mold growing over a large area or near the roof. The broom will make it easier for you to scrub the mold off and the natural bristles won't damage your siding or your home's paint. 

Step 2: Mix and Test the Oxygenated Bleach on Your Siding

When cleaning mold off of cedar siding and painted wood, you should always use oxygenated bleach over chlorine bleach. While chlorine bleach will do the job to remove the mold, it will also bleach your house paint and any exposed cedar.

Before you start cleaning off the mold, first you need to test the bleach solution to make sure it is safe to use on your house paint. To do so, mix up a batch of the oxygenated bleach according to the instructions on its container. Using your scrub brush, test the cleaner on a small area of your home in an area where damage would not be seen. Wash off the cleaner and check to verify it doesn't negatively affect your house's paint before continuing.

Step 3: Scrub Off All Areas of Mold with Your Brush and the Bleach Solution

Once you have verified the bleach won't damage your siding, then use your brush and scrub all of the areas where you see mold growth. To remove any spores present, make sure you scrub the areas around the mold and below it as well.

Step 4: Wash Off Your House with Your Pressure Washer or Garden Hose

Once you have scrubbed all of the mold off of the siding, then you must wash off the oxygenated bleach. The easiest and most effective way to do this is to use a pressure washer. Use the pressure washer on its lowest setting to avoid damaging the wood and the paint as you clean. If you do not own a pressure washer, then you can rent one from a business like Ben's Cleaner Sales or you can use your garden hose.

Step 5: Remove the Water Source Feeding the Mold and Promoting Its Growth

Finally, the reason the mold has grown on your siding is that it has been shielded from the direct sunlight and perpetually stayed wet. Once you have removed all of the existing mold, then you need to find the sources of the shade and water. Each of these things needs to be eliminated or you will continually be fighting a battle with mold and mildew growth on the siding. 
