3 Ideas For Custom Kitchen Cabinets

Having the opportunity to create custom cabinets means your design options are almost limitless. When you are deciding what your cabinets should look like, start by thinking about how they will fit into the overall theme of your kitchen.

Go Dark

Instead of white or similar light-colored cabinets, go with a dark tone, such as black, brown, or blue. One of the advantages of dark cabinets is they seem to recede into the background and can let other elements of your kitchen stand out. Maybe you have modern stainless steel appliances or a beautiful marble or granite countertop. Instead of lighter-colored cabinets or cabinetry with unique features competing for attention with other aspects of your kitchen, let them fade into the background. If you opt for dark cabinets, you may also want them to have flat fronts. This eliminates the need for hardware so that the cabinets blend even more into the background.

Go Bold

Maybe concealing your cabinets is not the style you want, so try the opposite by allow them to make a statement and go bold. Some ideas for bold cabinets include using underutilized colors, such as red, or the natural look of wood grain. You may not initially think about wood cabinets as making a statement, but some can, depending on the depth of color and how much the grain stands out. Medium- to dark-colored wood with a prominent grain can become a focal piece in your kitchen. To increase the boldness of your cabinetry, opt for stand-out hardware. Metal hardware is trendy, especially brass or a similar brightly colored metal.

Go Modern

Many kitchens have a modern feel due to the use of advanced appliances and other forms of technology for the kitchen. You can carry this theme throughout the kitchen by allowing your cabinets to have a modern feel. Integrating similar colors as stainless steel or chrome into your cabinets will create continuity between the appliances and your cabinets. Similarly, glass panels in the cabinet doors will mimic tablet screens that may come with some refrigerators. Wine fridges and spice cabinets are other pieces of cabinetry that can give your kitchen a modern feel because many of these features have temperature and humidity controls that coincide with a modern kitchen.

Moving past the traditional white and plain kitchens and stepping into the current trends seen in kitchens today will give you inspiration for your custom kitchen cabinets. You can manipulate color, hardware, and the types of cabinets you include to turn your kitchen into a masterpiece.
